Terms and Conditions:
Please note that information provided may be subject to change.
Agreed Payment: Upfront: $29,995 USD (valued at $39,995 USD).
By confirming, you agree that Unbridled Pty Ltd is not responsible for any decisions made in relation to financial, health, personal or career.
You agree that you will treat coaches with respect at all times and that you will show up 100% committed to your personal growth.
We will provide this service by phone unless otherwise agreed.
All material provided to you is the intellectual property of Louise Taylor of Unbridled Pty Ltd. You agree by joining this program that you will not copy, reproduce or share any material without the written agreement of Louise or James Taylor.
Given that this program is being offered at a discounted rate, you understand that there will be no refunds offered.
Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected at all times and in purchasing this product you agree to respecting the confidentiality of all others on the program.
In consideration of my participation of the Program (the “Event”), I hereby acknowledge and agree:
- RIGHT TO PHOTOS & VIDEO: I hereby expressly grant to UNBRIDLED PTY LTD (“GROUP”) and to its officers, employees, agents, and assignees the right to capture, record, and use photographs, video, and/or audio impressions (including live or over the Internet) of me (collectively, “Impressions”) recorded by GROUP at EVENT oand to use the photographs and my voice and picture, silhouette, and other reproductions of physical likeness and class-related work (including any still image, videotaped image, captured video-conference image, CD-ROMs, DVDs and/or other analog or digital means, or other media now in existence of hereafter developed), in connection with or as part of any presentation, program, publication, product, transmission, or other professional endeavor in which the same may be used or incorporated, and also in the advertising, and/or publicizing of any such analog or digital works or their content, in perpetuity. I understand these images / sounds may be used for commercial, educational, or informational purposes. I shall not be entitled to any royalties, fees, or other compensation or notice, in connection with any such use. In addition, I waive any claims that any use of my photograph, image, and/or voice as permitted hereunder portrays me in a derogatory manner or false light.
- OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS: I agree that GROUP shall exclusively own, jointly and severally, all rights, title and interest, including copyright in, and to, the complete set of Impressions, with worldwide rights. GROUP shall have the right, for any purpose, to use, adapt, change, delete from or add to such form and content, to combine all or any part of these original recordings with others, and to use, distribute, adverse, market and otherwise exploit any and all of the foregoing in any manner and in any medium, as GROUP shall determine in its sole discretion. I agree to cooperate with GROUP, at its expense, in all further actions, which GROUP deems necessary or desirable to confirm, register, protect or enforce GROUP's rights in and to such recordings. I waive all rights of copyright or ownership which I might otherwise have in or to any of the products in which my image, likeness or voice appears, and I agree to assign, and do hereby assign, to GROUP any such right, title, and interest in and to any such products. I agree to execute all documents deemed necessary or desirable by GROUP in connection therewith. I waive all rights of copyright or ownership in or to the resulting commercial or educational and informational materials in which I appear, and acknowledge no monetary or other compensation is provided in exchange for waiving this right. I also agree to allow all forms of distribution of any materials that accompany the images or my voice.
- NO GUARANTEES: The Event will include presentations about income growth opportunities. I understand that there can be no assurance that any prior successes by other individuals, or past results in income earnings, can be used as an indication of my future success or results. I acknowledge monetary and income results are based on many factors. GROUP does not guarantee or imply that I will get rich, that I will do as well, or that I will make any money at all, especially if I do not do the work that’s asked of me or I ignore any other advice presented to me. GROUP’s products may have unknown risks involved, and are not suitable for everyone. Making decisions based on any information presented in GROUP’s products, services, or web site, should be done only with the knowledge that I could make no money at all. All products and services by GROUP are for educational and informational purposes only.
- DUE DILIGENCE: I agree that I am solely responsible for doing my own due diligence when it comes to making business and financial decisions and all information, products, and services that have been provided by GROUP or at the Event should be independently verified by my own qualified professionals including checking with my accountant, lawyer or professional advisor, before acting on this or any information.
- RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN ACTIONS: GROUP’s information, products, and services should be carefully considered and evaluated, before reaching a business decision, on whether to take any action (or refrain from action). I agree that GROUP is not responsible for the success or failure of my business decisions relating to any information presented at the Event or elsewhere by GROUP or others, or GROUP’s products or services.
- COPYRIGHT AND CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The materials and resources used in this training are the confidential and exclusive copyrighted and proprietary intellectual property of GROUP. These materials are provided to me by GROUP and solely intended for my personal use as an Event Participant. No part of these documents and/or resources can be stored, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, photographic, mechanical, or any other medium), recorded, translated, or used to produce any derivative works without the explicit written permission of GROUP, under signature. Any violation, or the likelihood of violating, any of my agreements contained in this paragraph, would entitle GROUP to injunctive relief to prohibit any such violations. Should Group commence any legal action in response to my act or omission in violation of this provision, I shall pay all of GROUP’s legal fees and court costs, in addition to all damages requested by GROUP.
- VIDEOCONFERENCE: If I par,cipate in the Event by videoconference, I will not display any background that includes any copyrighted image or logo that I do not own. If I own an image or logo that I display as part of a background, I hereby grant Group a royalty-free and irrevocable license to use said image and/ or logo captured as part of the Impressions as otherwise permitted hereunder.
- LIABILITY WAIVER AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RISK: I understand and agree that in participating in any movement class or workshop that there is a possibility of physical injury. GROUP recommends that I check with my physician before engaging in this class, and I have done so, or made a decision that I do not need to do so.
Intellectual Property:
We have all the rights, title and interest in all intellectual property used in performing the Consulting Services and all intellectual property we may develop as a result of the performance of the Consulting Services. In performing the Consulting Services for you, we do not transfer rights to you in any intellectual property, and the title to all such intellectual property remains with us.
You may not (a) alter any of our intellectual property or the Materials or (b) copy or reproduce the content of the Consulting Services, or the Materials or (c) Sell the intellectual property or the Materials (IP) or supply the IP to third parties>
Your payment of the Investment to us entitles you to attend during the Consulting Period and receive a copy of the Materials if any.
I voluntarily agree, therefore, to assume all risks and responsibility for any such injury or accident, which might occur to me during the movement class or workshop. I also exempt, release, and indemnify GROUP, its officers, directors, owners, volunteers, assistants, employees, guest artists, faculty members, contractors, and agents, from any and all liability claims, demands, causes of action, damages, injuries, losses, or death, arising in any way (directly or indirectly) in connection with participation in any class or workshop offered by GROUP. I understand that I should be aware of my physical limitations and agree not to exceed them.
Louise Taylor