HBDI Profiling

A world validated science-based tool - the Whole Brain system measures how you process information in 4 quadrants of your mind. It is used globally for leveraging individual, team and organisational sales, problem solving, creativity, productivity, career development, influence and communication. It will identify how you think under pressure and how that impacts your work and personal life.



How to hack into your brain for peak performance, higher energy and rapid results for business and life. What do 93% of the top 100 Fortune 500 listed companies know that the other 7% don't? 

They know how to use a Whole Brain® approach to business.

The Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument ® (HBDI) is the world's leading thinking styles assessment tool, developed by the originators of Whole Brain Technology® and Whole Brain® Thinking.

It identifies your preferred approach to emotional, analytical, spiritual, practical and strategic thinking.  It will help you to significantly increase your level of personal understanding, help you to see how you think under pressure.  Over 25 years, and 32 years of scientific research and innovation stand behind the validity of the HBDI®. Companies like Cirque De Soleil, ANZ, Marriot Hotels, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft,  and hundreds more use this tool.

Step 1: The Human Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI®ď¸Ź) Survey

How The Survey Works? 

Participants complete a 120-question neuroscience based survey online. This assessment will evaluate and describe the degree of preference you have for each of 4 thinking styles, based on cognitive research and real-world application in leading corporations. 

By understanding and determining your thinking style preferences you can achieve greater appreciation for how you process information, learn, make decisions, solve problems, and communicate.

Your profiles are assessed by a trained Whole Brain Practitioner and Neuro-Coach. 

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Step 2: Your Assessment

What Is Included In My Assessment?

Your highly experienced neuro-science practitioner and Neuroflow™ Coaches will personally conducted your assessment. The assessment will define and describe the way you think and process information. It gives you insight into why you value certain types of information over others, how you approach communication, projects, marketing, business and sales, and your 'go to' thinking, which could be costing you time, money and energy.

With that valuable knowledge about yourself, you can learn how to be more agile, less fatigued, more decisive and less uncertain.

You can use this tool to leverage team members natural thinking styles, free up more resources,  motivate clients, learn how people make  buying decisions – so you can bridge the gap to more income, time and energy, rapidly!

Step 3: HBDI®️ Debrief

Your results from the Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI®️)  will be the first step for you to create a new framework on how to manage life and business.

This scientifically proven model will show you how to use your whole brain - not just the parts with which you feel most comfortable. 

Once you begin to understand your profile, you can then leverage the data to improve:

1. Finances, Marketing, Sales

2. Creativity, Focus and Motivation

3. Influence, Energy and Relationships, Leadership

4. Productivity and Execution 

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Step 4: Your Powerful Neuro-Coaching Session

You will be scheduled to be part of our next Group Neuro-Coaching Debrief Session which will enable you to have an immediate understanding of your under pressure thinking, preferred thinking styles, how you create, execute, focus and what you avoid.

During the session you'll:

Begin to understand how your unique thinking style is impacting your energy, focus, sales or business.

See how your thinking style impacts your business results, or career.

Recognise blind spots which could be the key to growing faster, with less fatigue.

See how the profile maps into your business, and how to use it forever as a roadmap for faster and more influential marketing, sales, communication and financial growth.


Rewire inhibiting thoughts, emotions and patterns that are sabotaging you.
Get more belief, confidence and certainty about what your strengths are, and experience less burnout.


New solutions, how to become more agile, what areas of thinking you can leverage to save time and energy,   and how to use Whole Brain as a foundation to solve an immediate problem at work or in your personal relationships, focus or energy. 

One on One Profiles

$6,995 USD Value


  •  Individual HBDI Profile Survey, 
  • Practitioners Assessment of your Survey
  • 1.5 hour Debrief
  • 40 Page Whole Brain Workbook 
    Plus Bonus: 
  • 1 Hour Neuroflow™ Business Consulting (Advisory)
  • Neuroflow™ Coaching FLOW Session (Rewire)
  • Create more flow and focus
  • Rewire to shift immediate barriers
  • Money Mindset
  • Decision making with Whole Brain
  • Avoidance and Distraction
  • Leading with Whole Brain for more productivity
  • Sales - Whole Brain and Sales Flow
  • Marketing - Whole Brain 
  • Organisational structure 
  • Team, roles - Whole Brain 
  • Emotional shift
  • Mindset - overcome overwhelm /distractions
Book your One on One Profile Debrief + Bonus - $5,995 USD


Once you book we will organise a link for your online survey which takes about 30-40 minutes. Once that is completed - we will assess your profile scores, and we will contact you to book you into a group or one on one Neuro-coaching and HBDI debrief session and send you your profile book.

Please note: Group debriefs are arranged via waitlist with between 6-12 attendees on one session.

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