Are your emotions costing you money and sales?
Hands up if you are like me and get a new idea every second day?Or maybe you have a new emotion every few hours? Let’s face it – it’s the blessing and curse of the entrepreneur – the one who can’t get through 10 minutes in the morning without being distracted by an email link, an exciting video or a phone message. Sounding familiar?
Sometimes I start the day really well – feeling great, get up, exercise and write a list – and then I walk into my office and experience severe procrastination because I’ve seen the chaos on my desk. My husband called it “Hurricane Louise”. All my plans go out the window and I lose focus on what I had planned to do because of feelings of overwhelm.
The DNA of the entrepreneur is often someone who has high right brain tendencies, ie: emotional and creative. This is truly an amazing and wonderful thing.. we have...
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