How to Overcome Disappointment

It takes courage to face the things that are holding us back.  

Commonly, people will deal with issues that seem too hard to overcome – by avoiding them. However, in avoidance we also find pain.   

So how does it all start?  

We all have expectations about how things might work out.  And when the outcome isn’t what we expected – disappointment is a hidden trigger that can lead us down the path to greater emotional challenges.  It can start with a small thing, an expectation not met – a failure at work, or in a relationship, or a financial loss.  

Here’s a few keys to tackling disappointment: 

Recognise the first point of disappointment

Is there a pattern of disappointment in one area of life? Do you ‘always’ have problems with money for example?  Or are you constantly treated badly at work?  Are you worried about going for job interviews because of...

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The Power of Rest

behavior mindset rest success Jan 03, 2024

Tuesday was Suicide Prevention Day.  Did you know that suicide is the leading cause of death for 15-44 year olds, and that 20% of suicides stem from work related stress?

With this in mind, it is important to make sure you are not overworking yourself, and are taking time in the day to rest.  Here are some steps to take if you feel you need a mental rewiring:

  1. Do a rest check on yourself.  On a scale of 1-10, how much mental and emotional rest do you get every day? 
  2. Take back control of your mornings. Do you have a lot of external distractions crowding your brain with unnecessary information? Try to not look at your phone first thing in the morning, and give yourself a few hours of peace and quiet. 
  3. Take a day off. Rest and fun are a key way to keep yourself staying creative. Have a picnic, hang out with friends, visit the beach, or whatever may bring you joy. 
  4. Figure out when you get your best ideas. Is it in the shower, while you meditate, or...
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Sorry Not Sorry

When I was a kid we were taught to be really polite. I mean REALLY polite.  

We were taught to think of others before ourselves, always.   And I subscribe to that. I really do. I am ALL about helping others. And most of my clients are the same.

Except there's a catch....

If you don't get what you want, you can't help as many people.

And in ALWAYS putting others first... you get pretty good at making excuses to not do what you truly believe you are meant to do. And you miss out on having the FUN, money and love that you need, if you don't balance the giving with the receiving. 

Being a martyr...It's the ultimate SABOTAGE strategy.

It happens all the time to high performers, leaders.... "I'm already doing so much. Working so hard.  I've already achieved a lot. I don't have enough time.  I already have too much responsibility.  I need my work life to improve before I can start that business.  I have tried before and it didn't...

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